Mental Lies is a fascinating story about a young girl's chaotic existence, complete with secrets, deception, and groundbreaking discoveries. Her life changes when Sarah seeks safety in her parents' lab during a terrible storm. A single mishap sets off a chain of circumstances that leads her to confront lies that threaten to destroy her identity and everything she cares about.
Published five years ago by Daniella Khayah Browne, this is her second book, and it belongs to an exciting series. Talented young writer Daniella finished two years early with a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, concentrating on forensics, and received awards for her work. Her amazing trip shows that success and imagination have no age restrictions. Her story encourages young readers to push their boundaries, aspire higher than they could have imagined, and become courageous forces of change in their lives and surroundings.
As the continent works toward unity, solidarity, and independence, Daniella is driven to advocate for the freedom and empowerment of girls, both locally and around Africa. She aims to encourage girls everywhere to know they can accomplish everything they set their minds to and believe in themselves.
The narrative explores profound moral, aspirational, and ethical limits of scientific advancement as Sarah struggles with her metamorphosis and the truths her parents have kept. Will Sarah rise above the turmoil to find herself or fall into the darkness?
Included among the NGOWE Books, Mental Lies is evidence of young brains' audacious inventiveness and bravery. Perfect for readers of fiction books, novels, and emotionally gripping adventures, this fast-paced book hooks them with its combination of drama, action, and mystery. Online book clubs looking for stories that challenge the mind and start a conversation will also find great value in this selection.
Discover more in the NGOWE Books collection—where every book motivates readers to think boldly, welcome change, and dream beyond expectations—by exploring Mental Lies now.